Moles, warts, skin tags, and other skin imperfections can be a source of worry and insecurity for many people. These concerns are also far more common than you think, especially in places with a humid subtropical climate like Australia. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with unsightly or uncomfortable moles on your body, and for the vast majority, you don’t have to go under the knife to get them removed either.
Our medical staff at Contour Clinics are some of the leading mole removal Brisbane experts, using state-of-the-art Radio-Frequency energy technology to ensure a quick and painless experience for all clients. Unlike laser treatments, the gold-standard Radio-Frequency technology allows patients to have the procedure done in one session, saving you precious time and energy. Before going ahead with the procedure; however, our doctors make sure that your moles and/or other skin concerns don’t harbour any suspicious features by assessing them under a dermastoscope.