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Before and After

Before and after just 1 x session of IPL and LED Light Therapy treatment to reduce the appearance of pigmentation, redness and broken capillaries. Further results achieved with repeat sessions.

Before and After

Before and after just one treatment with Cosmelan. This high-performance peel achieves outstanding results for hyperpigmentation, leaving skin evenly toned and renewed.

Before and After

Cosmelan is the gold standard in hyperpigmentation treatments, achieving dramatic reduction in stubborn melasma. Results are seen in 1 week, with continuous improvement out to 6 months⁠. Most patients only need one treatment⁠.

Before and After

Before and after just one session of IPL for reduction of freckling and hyperpigmentation.

Before and After

This patient was ecstatic about successfully removing pigmentation from her décolletage with only two sessions of laser treatment.

Before and After

This young lady noticed a clearer less pigmented complexion 4 months after one treatment of optimised pulsed light therapy.

Before and After

This lovely lady was happy she could now have the confidence to wear less make-up in public. This amazing clearance in complexion was achieved after 1 treatment with our specialist laser.

Before and After

Life changing results! Before and after 4 treatments with our gold-standard pigment removing lasera

Before and After

This lady’s complexion cleared after just 4 laser facial treatments.

Before and After

Smoothing of texture and pigment after 3 treatments with our Revlite q-switch laser.

Before and After

These freckles cleared after 4 laser treatments.

Before and After

Clearance of pigment and improvement in skin tightness and texture was achieved after just 1 treatment with our fractional non-ablative laser.

Before and After

Complete clearance of forearm pigment with one treatment with our medical grade laser. Note redness at site of previous pigment will continue to improve over the coming months.

Before and After

Another life changing case. Present since birth, now gone within 5 laser de-pigmenting treatments.

Before and After

This lady was embarrassed to leave the house prior to 5 treatments with our q-switched nd-YAG laser technology. Another life changing result with no downtime and minimal discomfort.

Before and After

Removal of jawline pigment after 1 treatment of laser pigment removal.

Before and After

Dyschromia, or uneven skin pigment is a common problem we see at our clinic. This lady had an almost flawless complexion after 6 laser treatments.

Before and After

Some pigments, particularly hormonal melasma can be more stubborn. This improvement required 10 laser treatments. For a quicker result we recommend combining with skin needling and a good sun protection regimen.

Before and After

Another difficult to treat melasma case. This lady also required 10 laser treatments, but was incredibly happy with the final result.

Before and After

Amazing improvements after 6 laser facial treatments to de-pigment epidermal melasma.

Before and After

After 10 treatments with the Revlite SI medical grade laser.

Before and After

Removing pigment and age spots from arms took only one laser treatment. This after picture was taken 1 month post treatment.

Prices and Packages: Pigmentation Removal

Choose the gold standard in laser technology for pigmentation removal on face and body.

All treatments come with a comprehensive, complimentary skin consultation.

Prices are per session:

All consultations with our expert cosmetic practitioners are free of charge.

Understanding the options How to remove unwanted Pigmentation and Melasma

Rid yourself of pigmentation, freckles, melasma, age spots and uneven skin tone.

Removal of pigmentation must be individualised. There is no one fits all approach.

At Contour Clinics we have multiple options to treat your pigmentation depending on your skin type, type of pigmentation and specific treatment goals. Options for removing your stubborn pigmentation including:

  • Lasers  
    • Fraxel is a great option for non-melasma pigmentation in all skin types with the added benefit of skin rejuvenation and skin tightening
    • Revlite Q-switch laser is a fantastic option for all types of pigmentation in all skin types. This laser also stimulates collagen and skin renewal with minimal to no downtime.
    • IPL is the MOST effective pigmentation remover of this range in those with lighter skin types. This however should not be used in patients with hormonal melasma.
  • Peels 
    • The Cosmelan peel is our gold standard treatment for treatment resistant pigmentation. It has the added benefit of skin rejuvenation and need for only one treatment. It is particularly useful for patients with melasma.
    • Mild chemical peels including glycolic acid and lactic acid peels are fantastic for melasma and mild cases of sun damage.

We don’t recommend skin needling if pigmentation is your main concern. There are far better treatments available for skin pigmentation concerns.

How to get rid of Freckles

Freckles are small brown spots on your skin, often in areas that get sun exposure. They are harmless but many people are not happy with how freckles make them look and this causes self-consciousness. In this short video, watch how our Head Dermal Therapist Nadia removes flat freckles using our Revlite laser. It works to safely and effectively reduce the appearance of freckles, pigmentation, and age spots by targeting the pigmented lesion in the skin.

Why Choose Contour Clinics for your Pigmentation treatment?

Clear unwanted pigmentation with the very best in laser technology.

Not all lasers are created equal. At Contour Clinics, we pride ourselves on having the latest, most advanced laser technology in the business.

All of our treatments are backed with the Contour Clinics guarantee, which includes:

  • Complimentary consultation with our experienced Doctors/Nurses/Dermal therapists
  • Complimentary comprehensive skin assessment
  • Treatment with only TGA approved, gold-standard laser therapies
  • All treatments provided by experienced dermal therapists
  • All Contour Clinics are supervised by doctors who have specialised in laser treatments. Ensuring safety in all treatments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are freckles?

Freckles are small brown patches on sun exposed areas of skin. They are due to an over production of melanin (responsible for the pigment in skin and hair). There are two types:

  • Ephelides 
    • First visible around infancy in sun exposed areas
    • Caused by to sun exposure and lighter skintypes/genetics
    • 1-2mm but can be larger
    • Can be red to brown in colour
    • Fade during winter
  • Solar lentigines (age spots/liver spots)
    • Accumulate with age on sun exposed areas, especially after 40 years of age
    • Do not lessen in winter
    • 2mm or larger
    • Shades of brown colour

What causes freckles?

Freckles are caused by excessive sun exposure. While freckles can occur in any ethnicity, they are more common in those with lighter skin types.

How to get rid of freckles?

Freckles can be significantly improved, if not removed all together with our specialised medical grade laser treatments.

Those with lighter skin types respond extremely well to Intense Pulsed Light therapy (IPL). Impressive reductions are seen after one treatment session. We recommend 3-5 sessions in total for optimal results.

Those with darker skin types are well treated with revlite q-switch laser. This breaks apart pigment, while having the added benefit of stimulating collagen production.

We also recommend a good pigment inhibiting skin care cosmeceutical cream.

What is melasma?

Melasma is a patchy pigmentation present on both sides of the face in characteristic areas such as around the lips, under the eyes and on the forehead. It is also known as hormonal pigmentation due to the strong association with worsening during pregnancy or the oral contraceptive pill (birth control pill).

It is vitally important to diagnose melasma, as treating this condition with standard pigmentation therapies can make it significantly worse.

What causes melasma?

Melasma is caused by an overproduction of pigment from pigment producing cells (melanocytes). This pigment can store superficially closer to the skins surface (epidermal melasma), or deeper down in the dermis (dermal melasma).

Causes of melasma are said to be multifactorial and include:

  • Genetics – up to 60% of those with melasma have a family history
  • UV sunlight exposure
  • Hormones changes including pregnancy and the oral contraceptive pill
  • Certain thyroid conditions have an association

How is melasma treated?

Melasma is best treated with a combination of therapies. The first step is to turn off your overactive pigment producing cells (melanocytes) by using a pigment inhibiting cream for two weeks prior to any treatment. Once completed, treatment can then start which includes:

  • Avoid direct sun exposure, sunscreen with SPF 50+, wide brimmed hats
  • Gentle peels can then be used, which can include: AHA, lactic acid or very mild TCA peels.
  • Prescription lightening agents with a combination of hydroquinone and kojic acid.
  • Lasers. The two options are fraxel laser and q-switch laser. We believe the q-switch laser is by far the best for treating melasma. Treatments MUST be on a very low setting, hence you will need 5-10 sessions spaced 2 weeks apart for optimal results.

IPL should never be used on melasma. IPL works by firing light energy into the skin, which is converted to heat. This heat stimulates already overactive melanocytes to produce more pigment.

Are melasma treatments permanent?

Melasma does tend to recur with time, albeit slowly.

To prevent melasma from returning most of our patients follow the below recommendations:

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure
  • Wide brimmed hats
  • SPF 50+ sunscreens
  • Maintenance Revlite Q-switch laser sessions 2-3 times/year
  • Cosmeceutical skin care regimen with vitamins A,B,C and tyrosinase inhibitor

What causes pigmentation and age spots?

The common causes for pigmentation and age spots include:

  • Photoageing
  • Sun exposure
  • Freckles
  • Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

It is imperative that you have a Contour Clinics doctor, your local doctor, or dermatologist review your pigmentation prior to skin treatments. Rarely, skin cancers can mimic benign pigmentation. Correct diagnosis of your pigmentation is of vital importance prior to any treatments.

What are the best treatments for treatment of brown pigmentation or age spots?

Treatments for these types of pigmentation start with a comprehensive assessment of your pigmentation to ensure safety for cosmetic removal and the treatment modality best suited to your specific needs.

Mild forms of pigmentation in all skin types respond well to mild chemical peels, gentle lasers such as the q-switch revlite, and individualised cosmeceutical pigment reduction creams.

Longer standing pigmentation responds best to lasers or the Cosmelan peel. We break skin pigmentation treatment into two categories:

  1. Darker skin types Fitzpatrick 3 and above
    1. Revlite q-switch laser. This clears pigment while creating an intense collagen stimulation to improve skin quality. This should be done in combination with a SPF50+ sunscreen and daily pigment inhibiting creams to maintain your results.
  2. Lighter skin types Fitzpatrick 1-2
    1. This type of pigmentation clears brilliantly with IPL. Most patients need 1-3 sessions in total for 80-90% clearance. This should be done in combination with a SPF50+ sunscreen and daily pigment inhibiting creams to maintain your results.

For those with treatment resistant pigmentation in all skin types we recommend the Cosmelan peel. This is one of the MOST effective ways to remove pigmentation. This peel has incredible satisfaction rates and clears even the most stubborn of pigmentation.

What is the recovery times for pigmentation treatments?

Recovery times for pigmentation treatments depends on the treatment selected. As a guide:

  • Fraxel laser – 2-5 days mild -moderate redness depending on the aggressiveness of laser settings
  • Revlite Q-switch laser – several hours to 1 day of mild redness
  • Cosmelan peel – 5-7 days of redness and skin peeling. Benefit of this skin pigmentation treatment is it’s one off nature and superior results compared to laser.
  • AHA, Glycolic, or lactic acid peels – 1-2 days of redness

IPL Treatment with Nadia

Richard visits Nadia, our Dermal and Laser Therapist, at Contour Clinics to undergo a non-invasive laser treatment with no downtime. Nadia uses the Q-Switch laser here to target Richard's concerns of pigmentation and slight redness. The skin pigmentation treatment provides an immediate softening and glow of the skin with maximum results to be seen within a couple of weeks.

Treatments to compliment

Chemical Peels

Exfoliate, de-congest, brighten, hydrate and revive your skin with our range of chemical peels.

LED Light Therapy

LED Light Therapy offers a non-invasive solution for facial rejuvenation, utilising different wavelengths to tackle various skin concerns.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Imagine taking years off your appearance, by restoring your facial complexion to its youthful state.

Acne Scars

Put your best face forward and leave behind the physical and psychological scars caused by acne.

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