Are you afraid to raise your arms in case everyone sees the sweat patches in your pits? Do you only wear black or white shirts in case colour makes the wet fabric too noticeable?
Everyone gets sweaty in their underarm region from time to time but when you’re held back by excessive sweating to the point of limiting your actions or clothing, it’s an issue.
Do you wish there was a solution? Did you know there’s an excessive underarm sweating treatment available right here at Contour Clinics?
You don’t have to live in constant fear of having sweat-soaked patches on your clothing! We are the experts in delivering this highly effective treatment that drastically reduces or ceases sweating in targeted areas – including the underarms.
By using muscle-relaxing injectables that work to inhibit the muscles controlling overactive sweat glands, we can put a block on excessive production of sweat for that area.
The result? Your previously sweaty problem area is now dry and comfortable, with ongoing freshness and nothing to hide.