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Downturned mouth Treatment Overview

Downturned mouth injections, also known as DAO injections, offer a swift and effective solution to elevate the corners of your smile. By relaxing the depressor anguli oris muscle, this treatment provides a subtle lifting effect, refreshing your appearance and enhancing approachability. When paired with dermal fillers, it offers an ideal combination for achieving a more lifted and refined smile.

Many people who come in for this treatment are in their late thirties onwards, when noticeable, formation of a downturned mouth has begun. A downturned mouth commonly occurs in this stage of life, as the facial skin has lost the elasticity needed to bounce back from the stress on the area caused by these repetitive expressions. 

Frequently Asked Questions


After having downturned mouth injections, proper aftercare is crucial for optimal healing and results:

  • Avoid makeup, excessive alcohol and intense exercise until the following day
  • Refrain from applying pressure to the treated areas for 4 hours
  • Gently apply a wrapped ice pack to the injection sites to minimise swelling and bruising


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