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Before and After

This non-surgical augmentation was achieved with expertly placed dermal filler to the chin and nose. Chin retraction has been corrected and the nose appears straighter with a refined nasal tip.

Before and After

Flawless results for this non-surgical rhinoplasty using 1mL of premium dermal filler to create the perfect slope and lift the tip.

Before and After

Non-surgical rhinoplasty tailored to Asian nose shape, expertly achieved with premium dermal filler.

Before and After

This nose makeover was achieved with premium dermal filler – not surgery. Non-surgical rhinoplasty provides instant results with no downtime.⁠ ⁠

Before and After

Before and after Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty using dermal filler to disguise the dorsal hump and create a streamlined contour.⁠

Before and After

Before and after Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty using premium dermal filler to straighten the contour and lift the tip.⁠ ⁠

Before and After

Before and after a combination of Nose Filler and Chin Filler, elongating the chin and disguising the dorsal hump to improve side profile balance.

Before and After

Before and after non-surgical rhinoplasty. Skilfully placed nose filler has achieved length, nasal tip lift, and a straighter contour.

Before and After

Before and after nose filler treatment to disguise contour irregularity.⁠

Before and After

Instant results of nose augmentation achieved with premium dermal filler – no surgery, no downtime.

Before and After

Non-surgical rhinoplasty result using up to 1ml of premium dermal filler to create a uniform contour for the nose.⁠

Before and After

Contour irregularities can be easily disguised with expert placement of dermal filler, providing instant results without surgery.⁠ ⁠

Before and After

Subtle yet effective; natural looking results achieved with a combination of chin filler and nose filler to bring facial features into alignment.

Before and After

Before and after a combination of Facial Slimming, Nose Filler and Chin Filler for a face lengthening result.

Before and After

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty using premium dermal filler to correct curving and elongate the nasal tip for a straighter contour.

Before and After

Dorsal hump, disappear! This result was achieved with up to 1mL of premium range dermal filler.

Before and After

The appearance of this dorsal hump has been masterfully disguised using dermal filler, creating a neat and streamlined nose profile.

Before and After

Asian nose augmentation with up to 1mL of dermal filler to elongate and refine.

Before and After

Non-surgical rhinoplasty using dermal filler to create the sought-after ‘Tinkerbell’ nasal tip lift.

Before and After

Humps and bumps can be hidden with clever placement of premium dermal filler, creating a smooth, consistent contour.

Before and After

Curving or hooked nose shapes can be redefined with premium dermal filler. This result was achieved with 1ml of filler to straighten, elongate and lift.

Before and After

The appearance of a flattened or drooping nose shape can be non-surgically augmented with expert placement of dermal filler. This transformative, instant result was created using 1ml of filler.

Before and After

Creating the appearance of a straighter nose, without surgery or downtime.

Before and After

Non-surgical rhinoplasty result using 1ml of premium range dermal filler.

Before and After

Nose augmentation using up to 1ml of premium dermal filler.

Before and After

Dips, bumps and contour inconsistencies can be cleverly disguised with dermal filler for a rhinoplasty-like result without the surgery.

Before and After

Before and immediately after non-surgical rhinoplasty with dermal filler, achieving instantaneous results.

Before and After

This transformative result was achieved with up to 1mL of premium range dermal filler.

Before and After

Skilfully placed dermal filler can create the appearance of a straighter nose and lifted tip, without surgery or downtime.

Before and After

Straightening a concave nose with premium dermal filler. An amazing and natural result for a fresh side profile.

Before and After

Nose augmentation using premium dermal filler to re-contour and lift.

Before and After

Creating that sought-after ‘ski jump’ nose tip lift, using 1ml of premium dermal filler.

Before and After

This nose now appears straighter thanks to 1mL of expertly placed dermal filler.

Before and After

Before and immediately after 1mL of premium range dermal filler for non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Before and After

Before and immediately after 1mL of premium range dermal filler for non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Before and After

Nose enhancement using 1mL of premium range dermal filler to straighten, elongate and lift.

Before and After

Before and immediately after 1mL of premium range dermal filler for non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Before and After

Before and after Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty.⁠ Dermal filler is expertly placed to re-contour the nose, correct dips or bumps, and achieve the appearance of a lifted nasal tip.


Before and After

Before and after Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty.⁠ Also known as the ‘pixie tip lift’, this treatment uses dermal filler to re-contour and elongate the nose, achieving the appearance of a lifted and refined nasal tip.


Before and After

The smoothest of slopes, created with precise placement of dermal filler and thread lifting.


Before and After

Non-surgical nose re-contouring with 1ml of premium dermal filler.


Before and After

Non-surgical rhinoplasty using 1ml of dermal filler to re-contour with instant results.


Before and After

Non-surgical rhinoplasty using 1ml of dermal filler to re-contour with instant results.


Before and After

Nose augmentation using just 1mL of expertly administered dermal filler to re-contour without surgery.


Before and After

Nose augmentation using just 1mL of expertly administered dermal filler to re-contour without surgery.


Before and After

Before and after non-surgical rhinoplasty using dermal filler to recontour and redefine.


Before and After

Creating a more refined and symmetrical nose with Nose Filler, a non-surgical alternative to rhinoplasty. Results are seen instantly⁠ with no downtime and last for up to 24 months.

Before and After

Before and after Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty or ‘nose filler’, using premium dermal filler to disguise contour irregularities and create a streamlined side profile.⁠

Before and After

Reshaping and refining of the nose with dermal filler, expertly placed to straighten the contour and lift the nasal tip.


Before and After

Reshaping and refining of the nose with dermal filler, expertly placed to disguise the dorsal hump, lift the nasal tip, and straighten the contour.


Before and After

Reshaping and refining of the nose with dermal filler, expertly placed to disguise the dorsal hump, lift the nasal tip, and straighten the contour.


Before and After

Before and after Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty with Nose Filler, to recontour the nose with immediate results and no downtime.⁠ ⁠


Before and After

Before and instantly after nose filler.

Before and After

Before and instantly after nose filler.

Before and After

Before and instantly after nose filler.

Before and After

Before and instantly after nose filler.

Before and After

Before and instantly after nose filler.

Before and After

Before and after adding dermal fillers to enhance the nose shape.

Before and After

Before and after dermal fillers to straighten the nose.

Before and After

Non-surgical rhinoplasty to refine shape by Contour Clinics.

Before and After

Before and After correction of nasal side profile.

Before and After

Before and After correction of nasal side profile

Before and After

Before and After non-surgical rhinoplasty with dermal fillers.

Before and After

Correction of a nasal side profile hump.

Before and After

Correction of a nasal tip droop.

Before and After

Sculpting a perfect nasal side profile with dermal fillers.

Before and After

Before and After non-surgical rhinoplasty

Before and After

Before and after dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and After non-surgical rhinoplasty to correct a dorsal nasal hump.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Correction of a dorsal hump with 1ml of filler.

Before and After

Non-surgical rhinoplasty brilliance by Dr Aaron Stanes

Before and After

Before and after expertly placed dermal filler to the nose.

Before and After

Before and After non-surgical rhinoplasty

Before and After

Before and after dermal filler to create improved nasal projection and an aesthetically pleasing tip lift. This is a common treatment in our asian patients who desire a more prominent projected nose with a lifted tip.

Before and After

Before and after correction of dorsal nasal hump. A lesson in artistry by Dr Aaron Stanes

Before and After

Before and After nose filler to correct a nasal hump.

Before and After

Before and after dermal filler injection

Before and After

Before and after nose filler.

Before & After

A small change can make the biggest difference when it comes to nose filler. This patient received premium dermal filler to conceal her dorsal bump by smoothing her nose bridge and refining her tip.

Before & After

Premium dermal filler is used to smoothen and straighten the nose bridge and sharpen the tip for an enhanced facial and side profile aesthetic.

Prices and packages

How much would you pay for the perfect nose?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is the perfect option for those:

  • Considering a surgical rhinoplasty and want to test to see what results could look like.
  • Those unsure whether it would suit them and want an easily reversible option.
  • Those who don’t have the budget, or downtime available to recover from a surgical rhinoplasty.
  • Those needing only minor changes in order to perfect their side profile.


Each consultation comes with a complimentary facial assessment and 3D photography.

Create your perfect side profile with expertly placed premium dermal filler.

Often patients have an overactive muscle that pulls down the tip of the nose (Called the depressor septi nasi). When relaxed, this creates a pleasant lift to the tip of the nose, and prevents it from pulling down when smiling or laughing.

Our award winning cosmetic doctors will perform a comprehensive assessment of your nasal structure and determine the precise placement of filler required to give your ideal result.

All review appointments with our doctors are free of charge.

By Dr Josh Wall Before & Afters: Instant Nose Filler Results

Check out these instant nose transformations. As the patient’s before photo illuminates the TV screen, a remarkable change becomes evident when standing next to their own image. With precision and expertise, administering nose filler can instantly smooth away bumps, humps, and other imperfections.

It’s important to see an experienced practitioner who ensures that each nose filler treatment is customized to suit the patient’s unique facial features and desired outcome.

Shaping the perfect nose What can Nose Filler Correct?

Create the perfect nose without the need for expensive, painful and long downtime surgery.

Whilst there are some cases that require surgical rhinoplasty, most nose concerns can be treated quickly and easily with well placed dermal filler.

Nose filler can improve:

  • A dorsal hump- can be camouflaged with filler.
  • Ski slope nose
  • Button nose
  • Droopy nasal tip- can be treated with a nasal tip lift.
  • Crooked nose (in some cases)
  • Retracted columella- small amounts of dermal filler can project the columella
  • The general shape of the nose- this can be tailored to your own specific aesthetic desires.
  • Height, projection and width of the nose

Why choose a non-surgical rhinoplasty?

You may have thought about having a rhinoplasty for years, but were worried about the downtime, cost and invasiveness of surgery.

There are many cases that require surgery.

Fortunately, for the vast majority there is the option of a dermal filler non-surgical rhinoplasty. This in office procedure has many benefits over traditional surgical rhinoplasty including:

  • No downtime in office procedure with minimal to no pain
  • Immediate results with minimal swelling
  • Ability to correct nasal humps, downturned noses and create impressive tip lifts
  • The procedure is completely reversible
  • At Contour Clinics all non-surgical rhinoplasty's are carried out by award winning Cosmetic Doctors

Understanding your treatments Know your Nose

  • Understanding the anatomy of your treatment allows you to make an informed decision about the right option for your unique aesthetic goals.
  • Nose filler can be placed at any of these marked locations to lift, smooth and perfect your side profile.
  • Our cosmetic injectors are unmatched when it comes to intimate knowledge of nasal anatomy, and creating the perfect nose aesthetic.

Choosing the right option for you Nose filler vs Surgical rhinoplasty

Have a concern about the appearance of your nose?

Not sure whether you need surgery, or can get away with a simple, immediate, lunch-time nose filler procedure?

This table gives you a good idea what is, and isn’t possible when it comes to correction of the nose aesthetic.

Most aesthetic concerns of the nose can be treated with simple, painless nose filler injections. Perfect candidates for nose filler injections include:

  • Those wanting a tip lift
  • Correction of a dorsal hump
  • Improvement of a retracted columella
  • Correction of a button nose, or droopy nasal tip
  • Those who want an immediate result without expensive, risky, painful and long downtime surgery

Frequently Asked Questions

Will treatments be painful?

Once the nasal area is numbed with anaesthetic cream, there is minimal discomfort. Our premium range of dermal fillers contain a built in local anaesthetic, providing the most comfortable nose job available.

How is nose filler injected?

Nose filler is injected in the midline of the nose in very small doses to correct aesthetic concerns including a dorsal hump or drooping tip.

In the absence of previous nasal trauma or operation, there are rarely any arterial vessels in the midline of the nose. This means dermal filler can be safely placed without prohibitive risk of injecting into a blood vessel.

How long does a non-surgical rhinoplasty take?

The procedure itself takes less than 5 minutes.

At Contour Clinics the time is spent in understanding your specific cosmetic concerns, reviewing your 3D imaging and coming up with a collaborative plan to ensure we meet your desired nose aesthetic.

Can you wear glasses after nose filler?

If the glasses do not touch the midline of the nose and are not excessively heavy we are happy for you to wear them if necessary for vision post treatment.

What happens during my nose filler treatment?

After a thorough consultation process, topical anaesthetic is applied to the nose. Ice will be applied also to reduce your risk of bruising, and decrease the sensation of discomfort.

Your face is then cleaned with clinical antiseptic such as chlorhexidine. Injections then occur with microneedle or cannula depending on your underlying nose structure. The process takes around 5-10 minutes and is relatively pain free.

What can I expect after my nose filler treatment?

Your new nose will be immediately visible.

Results occur instantly and will continue to improve as swelling decreases over the next 2-4 weeks. We recommend icing the area for 10 minutes every 2 hours to decrease these two after effects.

You may experience mild redness and swelling that will resolve over 1-3 days.

How long will my non-surgical rhinoplasty last?

Results can be seen immediately and last anywhere from 18-24 months.

How long does it take for nose filler to settle?

Most visible swelling resolves in 2-3 days. Micro swelling can last up to 2-4 weeks. This is usually not visible to the naked eye.

Will nose filler move?

This is unlikely. The caveat to this is if you have an excessively strong depressor septi nasi muscle (DSN muscle). The DSN pulls down the tip of the nose when laughing or smiling. If the muscle is overactive, excessive movement can cause your nose filler to move subtly. For those with overactive DSNs we recommend treating the DSN with muscle relaxant injections at the same time as nose filler.

How does nose filler dissolve?

Nose filler dissolves slowly and evenly over a long period of time by a process called free radical degradation. Dermal filler is made of a substance called hyaluronic acid. Molecules of hyaluronic acid are held together in chains by cross links. These are slowly chipped away at by free radicals in the area treated. This is a slow process taking place over 1-2 years.

Can nose filler be removed or dissolved?

Yes. If for whatever reason you are not satisfied with your nose, we will reverse it free of charge.

Reversal is performed with an enzyme called hyalase. This breaks down hyaluronic acid into bite size chunks your body can metabolise and excrete. Reversal is immediate, but full reversal may take 5-7 days to fully appreciate.

Can nose filler straighten a crooked nose?

Nose filler can straighten a nose from the side profile perspective.

Unfortunately nose filler cannot correct a crooked nose from a front-on perspective.

Is nose filler safe?

Nose filler is safe in the right hands. Nose filler is a well recognised treatment that has been performed tens of millions of times world wide.

This is an area that requires significant skill and expertise, so it important to chose your injector carefully.

Contour Clinics have some of the best nose filler injectors in the country. Many of our doctors are masterclass trainers for the worlds largest pharmaceutical and live dermal filler training courses, teaching doctors from around the world the art and science of non-surgical rhinoplasty.

What are the risks of non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Bruising post procedure is not uncommon. It is usually mild, easily covered with make-up and resolves in a few days. Use of our LED light therapy post treatment will decrease the risk of bruising.

Although rare, an important risk of non-surgical rhinoplasty is compromising the nasal blood supply. The risk is higher in those who have had previous surgery to the nose, as the normal blood supply and anatomy of the nose has been altered. Hence, when it comes to nose fillers, experience matters. Our doctors are some of the most experienced in the country at performing the non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Serious complications are very rare. Your cosmetic physician will discuss any of these risks specific to you at your complimentary consultation.

Can nose filler cause headaches?

Occasionally, you may experience a headache after nose filler. This is due to nose swelling and tenderness and usually goes away after a few hours.

Headaches that become severe or unrelenting should prompt a call to your cosmetic injector.

Are nose fillers permanent?

No. Nose fillers are made of hyaluronic acid. This is a reversible gel that is present naturally in your own skin.

Permanent filler should never be injected into the nose due to unacceptable risk of nasal skin death if you were unfortunate enough to block a nasal blood vessel.

What is the aftercare after my nose filler?

Nose filler procedures are quick, painless and you may return to your daily routine immediately post.

We recommend the following:

  1. No intensive exercise on the day of treatment.
  2. No heavy alcohol consumption in the 24 hours following treatment.
  3. Avoid hot environments such as spas/saunas/hot yoga for 48 hours post treatment.
  4. Avoid applying pressure to the nose post treatment
  5. Call our clinic if you experience worsening redness/swelling/skin rash/pain at any time post procedure

Treatments to Compliment

Lines and Wrinkles

Targeted muscle-inhibiting treatments act to smooth fine lines and wrinkles, giving a smoother, more youthful appearance.

Mole Removal

You no longer need to live with unwanted moles, lumps, or bumps.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Instantly reshape your nose with our premium range of dermal fillers and no surgery, meaning minimal discomfort and no downtime.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Instantly reshape your nose with our premium range of dermal fillers and no surgery, meaning minimal discomfort and no downtime.

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or call us on 1300 233 803