Many people have problems with excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis) in the underarms, hairline, under breasts, forehead, hands or feet. Fortunately, there is a treatment!
Sweat gland blocking injections to areas of problematic excessive sweating take as little as 30 minutes and will leave you feeling dry and confident. Treatments last for 8-18 months and are performed by one of our experienced medical professionals.
Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis) Treatment
Hyperhidrosis can affect anyone of any age, physical condition or gender.
The condition – which may involve overactive sweat glands in the underarms, hairline, under breasts, forehead, hands or feet – can be troubling and embarrassing. It’s more common than many people realise – affecting 3-5% of the population.
Aside from unsightly sweat marks which can cause extreme embarrassment to the sufferer by giving a false impression of poor hygiene, it can lead to dehydration and itchy, dry skin.
Stop Excessive Sweating with Contour Clinic’s Hyperhidrosis Treatments in Sydney
The experts at Contour Clinics see clients suffering from hyperhidrosis regularly and understand how frustrating the condition can be.
Our team of cosmetic medicine specialists offers a range of excessive sweating treatments to help prevent this issue once and for all, so you can feel confident enough to wear what you want, when you want and to tackle your insecurities about sweating head on.
You won’t need a GP referral to be treated – simply get in touch with us to arrange a consultation and we can take it from there.
How We Treat Hyperhidrosis
The most common and effective way in which the team at Contour Clinics treat clients with hyperhidrosis include either specialist “sweat gland blocking” Botulinum toxin injections or morpheus8 radiofrequency sweat gland ablation treatments.
These Botulinum toxin injections will serve to prevent excessive sweating for up to 18 months – at which point, all that is required is a top-up.
Each of our Botulinum toxin injections to prevent excessive sweating are always performed by highly experienced medical professionals and undertaken in line with TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) regulations.
After undergoing this quick and easy treatment, you’ll see a significant decrease in sweating within one week.
What to Expect
Hyperhidrosis prevention is one of our quickest procedures. Your treatment will usually be over in less than fifteen minutes, though this depends on the precise approaches you have chosen and the areas you require to have treated.
Before you undergo the procedure, you will need to attend a complimentary consultation and physical exam with one of Contour Clinics’ specialists.
The price of your procedure will vary depending on the areas you would like treated. Treatment of excessive underarm sweating. Book a consultation to receive a personalised treatment plan based on your personal circumstances.
You won’t need to book any time off work – treatments of this kind require no downtime and come into effect right away.
The experts at Contour Clinics also offer a range of body sculpting and improvement procedures to help you feel more confident. Choose from cellulite and stretch mark reduction, non-surgical butt and breast lifts and even laser hair removal and tattoo removal to help you achieve your dream body.
To start talking about your hyperhidrosis treatment today, and to find out what can be done to improve your confidence and reduce your excessive sweating, simply get in touch with the specialists at Contour Clinics. We’ll be more than happy to assist you.