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Our Procedure

We offer treatments for women who are suffering from urinary incontinence that is caused by a break down in connective tissues supporting the urethra or by declining oestrogen levels. Oestrogen levels naturally decline in women who are nearing or are post menopause so incontinence is more likely amongst this cohort of women. Break down of connective tissues supporting the urethra is found post child birth because of the pressure and stretching that has been exerted.

Our treatments may benefit any women experiencing urinary incontinence, but a doctor’s consultation will always be undertaken before treatment is carried out in order to rule out any other potential causes.

Key benefits

  • Restores functionality and tightness to the vaginal area
  • Improves urinary incontinence or bladder leakage
  • Improves quality of life and self-confidence
  • Minimal Downtime
  • Walk-in, walk-out procedure
  • Non-surgical


Available treatments

Treatment Areas

Vaginal Rejuvenation with Mona-Lisa-Touch

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MonaLisa Touch laser treatment works by enhancing both the tone and elasticity of the front vaginal wall. This in turn provides support for the detrusor muscle, relieving the amount of pressure on the urethra. This treatment has been proven to improve both bladder and urethra control which reduces urge and stress urinary incontinence symptoms.

Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP regenerative treatment can be selected as a treatment on its own, or in addition to Mona Lisa Touch to enhance the results seen from Mona Lisa Touch. PRP works by triggering stem cell, regenerating nerves, muscles, collagen and healthy blood vessels, with results becoming visible after about 30 days. PRP leads to stronger connective tissues supporting the urethra and bladder. Again, we recommend annual treatments for optimum results.


Treatment Details

What to expect

The first stage is an initial consultation with one of our specialist physicians at our Pavilion Cosmetic Medicine Clinic. This may include a physical examination to ensure that you are suitable for treatment with our procedures. An up to date pap smear test showing a normal result is required before we can begin treatment. If our clinician observes any unusual conditions, we will either treat these first, or in some cases refer you to a gynaecologist for further assessment. If there are no issues, you may proceed straight to your MonaLisa Touch treatment. An initial consultation is also the first step for PRP treatments, during this expectations and concerns will be discussed, and an appropriate treatment plan devised.

A MonaLisa Touch treatment is quick – lasting no more than 15 minutes. Firstly, your vagina will be dried and sterile smooth probe gently inserted. When the laser is operating you will experience a mild vibrating sensation, but don’t worry, this isn’t painful. You may experience mild discomfort during the first treatment session, however our patients have reported that the follow up treatments are very easy due to improved lubrication and the fact that they know exactly what to expect. All patients are supported by specialist team of doctors and nurses for the duration of their treatment, ensuring the highest standards of care.

The first step of the PurePRPII treatment is a blood draw. This is completed using a unique medical instrument which separates and harvests plasma, platelets, anti-inflammatory white blood cells as well as bioactive proteins. This takes about 20 minutes. The PurePRP is then re-injected back into the treatment area. Numbing cream may be applied and it is normal to experience mild swelling/ inflammation during treatment which normally settles with 24 – 48 hours of treatment.


MonaLisa Touch doesn’t have any side effects and patients are able to continue to go about their day straight after treatment. Patients are asked to refrain from intercourse or strenuous activity for five days.

For those patients who’ve received PRP treatment there may be swelling for up to 48 hours after treatment – if it doesn’t subside within this time, please contact the clinic. Patients may also experience some bruising and swelling at the injection site; this is completely normal for PRP. Patients are given full post care instructions which should be followed carefully.

MonaLisa Touch doesn’t have any side effects and patients are able to continue to go about their day straight after treatment. Patients are asked to refrain from intercourse or strenuous activity for five days.

For those patients who’ve received PRP treatment there may be swelling for up to 48 hours after treatment – if it doesn’t subside within this time, please contact the clinic. Patients may also experience some bruising and swelling at the injection site; this is completely normal for PRP. Patients are given full post care instructions which should be followed carefully.

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