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Before & After

Before and after Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty.⁠ Dermal filler is expertly placed to re-contour the nose, correct dips or bumps, and achieve the appearance of a lifted nasal tip.


Before & After

Before and after Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty.⁠ Also known as the ‘pixie tip lift’, this treatment uses dermal filler to re-contour and elongate the nose, achieving the appearance of a lifted and refined nasal tip.


Before & After

The smoothest of slopes, created with precise placement of dermal filler and thread lifting.


Before & After

Non-surgical nose re-contouring with 1ml of premium dermal filler.


Before & After

Non-surgical rhinoplasty using 1ml of dermal filler to re-contour with instant results.


Before & After

Non-surgical rhinoplasty using 1ml of dermal filler to re-contour with instant results.


Before & After

Nose augmentation using just 1mL of expertly administered dermal filler to re-contour without surgery.


Before & After

Nose augmentation using just 1mL of expertly administered dermal filler to re-contour without surgery.


Before & After

Before and after non-surgical rhinoplasty using dermal filler to recontour and redefine.


Before & After

Creating a more refined and symmetrical nose with Nose Filler, a non-surgical alternative to rhinoplasty. Results are seen instantly⁠ with no downtime and last for up to 24 months.

Before & After

Before and after Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty or ‘nose filler’, using premium dermal filler to disguise contour irregularities and create a streamlined side profile.⁠

Before & After

Reshaping and refining of the nose with dermal filler, expertly placed to straighten the contour and lift the nasal tip.


Before & After

Reshaping and refining of the nose with dermal filler, expertly placed to disguise the dorsal hump, lift the nasal tip, and straighten the contour.


Before & After

Reshaping and refining of the nose with dermal filler, expertly placed to disguise the dorsal hump, lift the nasal tip, and straighten the contour.


Before & After

Before and after Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty with Nose Filler, to recontour the nose with immediate results and no downtime.⁠ ⁠


  • This patient’s concern was his nose shape, form of his dorsal hump, and downturned nasal tip 
  • This was corrected using 1ml of dermal filler for the nose 
  • The nose tip has been elongated, defined and lifted, and the dorsal hump has been disguised 
  • The result is a straight and streamlined nose shape, dramatic improvement to the overall facial aesthetic and a more visually pleasing side profile 
  • This patient’s concern was the size, length and projection of her ‘button’ nose 
  • This was corrected using 1ml of dermal filler for the nose 
  • The nose has been elongated and projected, and the tip is defined and lifted 
  • The result is a more refined and elegant nose shape, a more visually pleasing side profile, and improvement of the overall facial aesthetic 


  • This patient’s concern was the form of her dorsal hump
  • This was corrected using 1ml of dermal filler for the nose
  • The nose tip appears lifted and the dorsal hump has been disguised
  • The result is a straighter, more streamlined nose shape, improved harmony with the overall facial aesthetic and a more visually pleasing side profile

Before & After

A small change can make the biggest difference when it comes to nose filler. This patient received premium dermal filler to conceal her dorsal bump by smoothing her nose bridge and refining her tip.

Before & After

Premium dermal filler is used to smoothen and straighten the nose bridge and sharpen the tip for an enhanced facial and side profile aesthetic.

Before and After Nose Filler

Each of these patients received 1ml of dermal filler for their non-surgical rhinoplasty, however this amount can vary depending on what you want to achieve. 

Results can vary too – for concerns such as irregularity of the nose form, such as dorsal humps, hooks and bumps, these can usually be evened out with the expert placement of nose filler. But if your concern is related to the internal structure of your nose, such as the septum, or the symmetry of your nostrils, this is usually a case for surgical rhinoplasty. 

Nose filler is an outstanding option for anyone who wishes to improve the appearance of their nose exterior. 

Your Cosmetic Physician will assess your nose and your cosmetic concerns, and will discuss your suitability for nose filler and what can be achieved for you. 

Rest assured that all nose filler treatments at Contour Clinics are performed only by highly experienced and skilled Cosmetic Doctors who are masters in facial rejuvenation, specialising in non-surgical rhinoplasty with nose filler.

Let's talk Book a Consultation at Contour Clinics

Everyone’s features are unique and individual; no two noses are the same. 

So, with that in mind, Contour Clinics treats each and every patient as the individual that they are, which is why the initial consultation stage is so crucial. 

During your complimentary consultation with one of our highly experienced doctors, you will receive a facial assessment and discuss in detail what your concerns are, and what your desired outcome is. Your physician will then explain how your dermal filler treatment will correct your nose and achieve the result you want. 

During this phase, your doctor can ascertain how much filler will be required for your treatment, and can therefore more accurately discuss cost. 

Generally, nose filler treatments use about 1ml of filler, but the quantity can vary depending on your individual requirements. 

Book your no-obligation, complimentary consultation for a thorough assessment and pricing for your nose filler treatment and find out just how quickly and easily you can have the nose you really want.

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