Have you been considering an eye lift? Noticed some drooping of the eye area? Or maybe just always fancied that upturned, feline eye shape for yourself?
It’s a common concern that comes with ageing; the space between our eyebrow bone and our eye becomes smaller as the skin of this region becomes less taut and begins to sag.
With this process, we eventually see less of our eyelid, and the overall effect is one that appears tired and aged, and can make our eyes appear sunken or retreating. Some also find that it can create a heavier, unflattering look to their face.
Many also find that their makeup application has changed as their eye structure has become lower. Eyeliner is a giveaway, as the outer corners of the lid become heavier with excess skin. Eyeshadow also becomes a giveaway, as less of the eyelid can be seen.
It’s not just ageing that can be the catalyst for wanting an eye lift.
Those who naturally have a downturned eye shape, known as ‘puppy dog eyes’, can also desire a sleeker and more refined look for their eyes.
There is a non-surgical solution to lifting the eye area, and it comes in the form of a thread lift procedure, designed especially for lifting the outer corners of the eye into a snatched, catty aesthetic.
It’s called the Fox Eye Thread Lift. And here at Contour Clinics, we are masters in this treatment.
Scroll down to see real results from real patients with our Fox Eye Thread Lift Before and After gallery, and discover what a difference this treatment can make to your overall facial aesthetic.