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Before and After

Jawline and chin sculpting with 6ml of premium dermal filler, to strengthen and define the lower face.

Before and After

Combining our Jawline Sculpting and Chin Filler treatments to sharpen and define facial contours.

Before and After

Chin sculpting with dermal filler, to sculpt and redefine structure and shape of a retracted or ‘weak’ chin.

Before and After

Get that snatched aesthetic with jawline and chin sculpting, using premium dermal filler to sharpen and define facial contours.

Before and After

Creating a more masculine jawline with 6ml of premium dermal filler, expertly placed to add structure and definition to the lower face.

Before and After

Chin sculpting with dermal filler, to sculpt and redefine structure and shape of a retracted or ‘weak’ chin.

Before and After

A transformative result achieved for this side profile with our Chin Filler treatment. Retracted chins can be corrected using premium dermal filler to sculpt and redefine structure and shape.

Before & After

Correcting a ‘weak’ or retracted chin with Chin Sculpting, using premium dermal filler to create new contours for improved facial balance.


Before & After

Correcting a ‘weak’ or retracted chin with Chin Sculpting, using premium dermal filler to create new contours for improved facial balance.


Before & After

Correcting a ‘weak’ or retracted chin with Chin Sculpting, using premium dermal filler to create new contours for improved facial balance.


Before & After

Instant results from Chin Sculpting, using premium dermal filler to elongate and refine chin shape for overall facial balance.


Before & After

Before and after Chin Filler to elongate, shape and define for a more feminine and refined effect.


Before & After

Chin Filler results, achieving balance and alignment with facial features.


Before & After

Combining Jawline Sculpting with Chin Filler for this defined result.⁠ ⁠


Before & After

Before and after Tear Trough Filler, Cheek Filler and Chin Filler to lift, define and refresh the entire facial aesthetic.


Before & After

Before and after our chin sculpting treatment, using premium dermal filler to elongate and define the chin contour.

Before & After

Before and after our chin sculpting treatment.⁠ Dermal filler can correct the appearance of a retracted or ‘weak’ chin with instant results.

Before & After

Before and after Chin Filler and Jawline Filler treatments to elongate, define and balance the lower face.⁠ ⁠


Before & After

Before and after chin filler correction treatment.

Our patient wasn’t happy with her chin filler from another clinic, so we safely dissolved this filler, and then performed our chin sculpting treatment, achieving this flattering and proportional result.

Before & After

Before and after chin sculpting with premium dermal filler to refine chin shape and subtly elongate the face.


Before & After

Before and after Chin Filler and Jawline Filler for balance and definition of the lower face.


Before & After

Before and after chin correction using premium dermal filler.


Before & After

Before and after Chin Filler to correct projection and balance.


Before & After

Before and after treatment for the chin, using premium dermal filler to elongate and refine chin shape and disguise mental crease.


Before & After

Before and after Chin Filler and Jawline Filler.


Before & After

Before and after Chin Filler and Jawline Filler.


Before & After

This patient received 3mL of premium dermal filler to enhance chin length and projection, aiming to slim the face, correct facial balance, and conceal the under-chin area.

Before & After

Chin filler is a highly effective treatment for bringing balance and alignment to your facial features by creating length, definition and a sculpted shape to a weak or retracted chin.

Before & After

Before and after chin sculpting treatment. Using just 1ml of dermal filler, we have elongated and refined the chin for overall facial balance.

Before & After

As we age, chin muscles can overactivate, causing a rounded appearance. For this patient we have used a combination of dermal filler and anti-wrinkle to address chin creases and enhance facial contours.

Before and After

No more ‘bum chin’
Achieve a heart shaped look to your face with a more defined and refined chin contour

Chin filler is used to fill and correct the indent that causes your chin dimple. Results are instant!

Before and After

Before and after our Chin Sculpting treatment. ⁠Dermal filler expertly placed in the chin helps to create length and balance for the entire facial aesthetic.


Before and After

Before and after dermal filler for the chin. A retracted chin can cause an unbalanced, disproportionate look to your side profile. With just 1ml of filler, we have achieved a flattering alignment of facial features.


Before and After

Stunning correction of an overly retracted chin. This provides harmony to the facial side profile. This result was achieved with 2ml of dermal fillers.

Before and After

Chin filler before and after 1ml of premium dermal filler.

Before and After

Before and after chin filler to create an amazing change to the side profile. 2ml total chin filler used in total.

Before and After

After 1 ml of dermal fillers.

Before and After

2ml of dermal filler to the chin and jawline.

Before and After

subtle chin enhancement

Before and After Chin Fillers

Chin filler placement differs depending on your ideal aesthetic goals. Those wanting to appear more masculine may benefit from a squarer chin from the front profile, and a stronger, defined chin from the side profile. A strong, square chin is a hallmark of male attractiveness.

Those hoping for a more feminine appearance benefit from a pointier chin to create a naturally aesthetic heart or V-shape to the face. Women with weak or retracted chins love how chin filler can project their chin to create their ideal side profile.

At Contour Clinics, your Cosmetic Injector will work with you to curate an individualised treatment plan to enhance your chin depending on your specific aesthetic goals. Using 3D Vectra photography, your expert cosmetic injector can show you exactly how your chin will look before and after your chin filler treatment. The results from chin filler are immediate and can be maintained out to 18 to 24 months.

Book a Consultation with Contour Clinics

Chin filler is a uniquely individual treatment, with the amount of dermal filler used and the placement of filler being entirely dependent the ideal look you want to achieve. Our expert cosmetic injectors use 3D-Vectra photography to provide an accurate visualisation of what your chin filler may look like after treatment with chin filler.

At Contour Clinics, we pride ourselves in providing tailored and personalised approaches to each individual treatment plan. With our complimentary, comprehensive consultations, our expert clinicians will provide you with a full facial assessment to determine how much dermal filler is right for you to achieve your chin goals.

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