The Blog How to get rid of a mole without leaving a scar
Do you have unsightly moles, lumps and bumps that bother you? Our Radio Frequency device can swiftly and scarlessly remove your moles with minimal pain and no downtime or surgery which means you no longer have to live with them! Whilst moles can sometimes be sinister and need excision, most of the time they are benign and no cause for concern. They can however cause distress for cosmetic reasons, especially when present on the face.
Before and after radiofrequency mole removal
They can crop up anywhere on your body at any time and can be found on any skin type. Using a radiofrequency current we can remove your mole under local anesthetic using an electrode that removes the mole and coagulates at the same time so there is minimal to no bleeding, leaving behind no trace of the mole and NO SCAR. A dressing is then applied and your scab will fall off after a week leaving behind clear mole free skin.
See our Scarless mole removal page for more information!