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The Blog How Chemical Peels Can Give You A Glowing, Healthy Appearance

We all want that healthy glow, and if you’re discovering that your skin doesn’t look as healthy as it used to, you are not alone. Environmental factors can hugely influence the state of our skin, causing it to feel dry, flaky and just not right. In the summer, an increase in air-conditioning may be a welcome relief from the heat, but it does your skin no favours. And it’s not just the summer that can affect your skin. The winter brings its own problems and can cause your sky to dehydrate from the cold winds and heating.

What can be done?

Obviously, dry and flaky skin is not what you’re after, but luckily there are ways that you can improve the appearance of your skin and achieve that glow. Firstly, it is important to have a balanced diet that includes drinking a lot of water. If your skin is dry and flaking, it is often down to dehydration, which is why drinking water can help. Along with this, it’s important to have a good skincare routine to keep your skin in tip-top condition.

While the above steps are important, you can also achieve great results with a chemical peel that can help to restore the look of your skin, rehydrate and give you that glow.

How does a chemical peel work?

A chemical peel takes off the top layer of your skin to encourage collagen remodelling, which is where your problem areas may lie. This causes your skin to rehydrate and generally look a lot better, giving you that glow.

Along with helping you to achieve a more glowing complexion, a chemical peel can also help to reduce skin pigmentation and sun damage. It can also reduce the look of scars and fine lines, so there is a lot to be gained from having a course of peels.

The procedure itself is quick, and as there is no downtime, you’ll be able to get back to your normal routine straight away. You may notice some redness for the first 24 hours, and stronger peels can cause flaking as your body rids itself of dead skin cells.

Is a chemical peel right for me?

As there are different strengths of chemical peel available, they can usually be used on anyone’s skin. If you want to have a chemical peel for a special event, it is important to discuss this with your skin therapist so that they can ensure they give you the appropriate level of peel. Before your peel, you’ll need to use medical-grade skincare to prepare your skin and get the best results from your treatment.

Chemical peels at Contour Clinics

If you want to experience the benefits of a chemical peel, Contour Clinics is the place for you. We have a team of experienced Skin and Laser therapists, and a range of medical grade chemical peels suited to refining, smoothing and refreshing your skin.

Ask us for an opinion today and make your skin look gorgeous with a healthy glow.

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