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The Blog How to get rid of self harm scars

In a world where we are so image obsessed, any perceived flaws or indeed physical scars can cause a great amount of distress to the person carrying them. Sometimes, the flaws that we want to correct and improve have come from a time of emotional distress that has led to self harming, this can result in deep self harm scars that often can’t be hidden. Feelings of shame and embarrassment can be debilitating and cause further distress so it’s no surprise that many people are seeking a way to reverse the self harm scars and close a chapter of their lives that they have healed from emotionally but not physically.


Here at Contour Clinics we have treated many patients’ self harm scars using fractional laser. You may have heard about fractional laser as a highly successful method of rejuvenating the skin and reversing signs of ageing, keloid scars, and acne scarring, and it works in the same way to heal self harm scar tissue. Using micro columns of laser beams that are highly absorbed by water, the beams cause micro trauma to the treatment area whilst leaving the surrounding skin in tact. These undamaged skin cells then move into the treated areas allowing a rapid healing process to occur. Collagen remodelling then begins to take place in the weeks following laser treatments. The number of scar revision surgery scar procedures required to treat self harm scars varies from patient to patient and depends on a number of factors including the severity of the self harm scars and the chosen treatment settings and can be anywhere from three up to eight sessions. Results are permanent and patient satisfaction levels are high.



Before Fractional Laser                                               After 10 sessions of Fractional Laser


Many patients who have successfully treated their self harm scars describe their scar revision surgery experience as life changing, to not have to hide away or feel shame and face questions or stares from strangers. The world of cosmetic medicine can help you on your journey of self improvement, visit one of our experienced and caring doctors today for your complimentary scar treatment and laser resurfacing consultation. For more information on scar removal click here.


If you are experiencing thoughts of self-harm, suicide, hopeless or helplessness please see your regular General Practitioner or call Lifeline 24 hours/day on 13 11 14.

As seen on

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