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The Blog What is the Russian Lip Technique? Your Guide to Russian Lips

What are Russian lips?

Lip augmentation is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures. It uses hyaluronic acid (HA) filler to enhance the shape or volume of the lips. It can address concerns such as unevenness, thinness, or a loss of volume, typically caused by ageing. With the Russian lip technique, you can even redefine your lips’ contours, creating a desirable ‘cupid’s bow’ shape.

A new lip filler technique gaining popularity is Russian lips. This lip shape is modelled on Russian dolls and their uniquely coiffed lips that are painted to perfection. The Russian lip technique accentuates the cupid’s bow to resemble a heart shape by injecting additional volume and lift into the centre of the lips, while the sides and corners still remain relatively in line with the face. The result of the Russian lip technique is doll-like whilst still appearing naturally full and plump. This look enhances the centre of the lips instead of a widespread volume, thus giving you that desired baby-doll look.

What’s the difference between normal fillers and Russian lips?

We use premium brand fillers in both procedures; only the injection technique differs. Standard lip fillers are injected horizontally, resulting in evenly spread volume and fullness. Russian lip filler technique injects the filler vertically, focusing on the centre of the lips. It aims to heighten the lip for a heart-shaped look.






Russian Lips with Cosmetic Injector Lauren

Russian lips is a popular lip filling technique that focuses on using filler to shape the lips into a subtle heart shape (like a Russian doll), with more volume in the centre of the lip. The aim of this technique is to create more height, rather than plumpness.

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