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The Blog Thread Lift vs Dermal Fillers – Which Should I Get?

Dermal filler and thread lifting treatments are two safe and effective non-surgical alternatives for people who are seeking facial rejuvenation without surgery. Understanding the differences of these two treatment approaches is important, and during your initial consultation, your cosmetic injector will assist you in making the right choice to meet your aesthetic goals.

What will I need to consider when choosing the best option for me?

First, your treatment goals. Dermal fillers are designed to provide volume to facial features in order to reduce wrinkles and fine lines and promote smoother, younger-looking skin. Thread lifting is an alternative to a surgical facelift this procedure tightens the entire face in a single treatment and provides a subtle lift to the sagging facial skin.

Second, the duration and result of either treatment method. Dermal filler injections take less than 20 minutes to complete. The results can last for anywhere from six months to two years, depending on the type of filler used. Thread lifting is a relatively more complex and intricate procedure. It may take up to an hour to complete, and the results can last between 1–3 years for most patients.

Another consideration should be recovery and the appearance of the results. Following a dermal filler procedure, you can resume your normal routine almost immediately. Mild redness and swelling may occur in injection sites, but it will resolve quickly. Facial rejuvenation results can be seen right after the treatment, but will continue to improve. Following a thread lift procedure, you can return to your regular activities the same or following day. However, you will have to be more mindful after the treatment for about one week. Results are visible immediately and continue to improve for 6 weeks when the full results take effect.

Lastly, you need to consider potential treatments risks, side effects and discomfort. Dermal fillers are prescription-only products. That said, the most common side effects are redness, mild itching and swelling. These issues usually resolve within 1-4 days. Most patients liken the treatment discomfort level to that of a rubber band snap or insect bite. You will only need a topical anaesthetic during the treatment. Poor thread lift technique can result in the threads not holding in place, migrating to the wrong area, and becoming visible. The procedure is relatively more invasive than fillers, so the pain level will be slightly higher. Prior to the procedure, you will need a local anaesthetic.

Dermal fillers are the second most popular non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedure after anti-wrinkle injections. Thread lift offers deeper and longer lasting benefits. Choose the method that best suits your needs and follow your expert clinician’s advice.

Still need info? Learn more about Thread Lift and Dermal Fillers.


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