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The Blog How to Get a Beautiful Jawline Without Surgery

Jawline sculpting with the use of dermal fillers is a popular treatment to enhance a sagging jawline, correct asymmetry and reduce the signs of ageing. In a process taking approximately 30 minutes, patients can see results almost immediately and these can last for up to 24 months. If you’re looking for a way to get a beautiful jawline without having to undergo surgery, this may be the perfect solution.

Your Jawline Can Change Shape

Through time, there are a number of factors that can cause your jawline to change shape. These factors, whilst subtle at first, can become noticeable to the individual, causing insecurities to creep in. Some of the contributing factors to a change in jawline shape include;

A natural result of ageing

Through ageing, the collagen, elastin, structural support and volume of the face declines, resulting in the sagging of skin under the chin and around the jawline. This occurrence is often referred to as ‘jowls’ and is one of the most common reasons why men and women enquire about treatment options.

Through your lifestyle choices

Factors such as dental work, injury, weight gain and habits like smoking can result in the shape of your face becoming less symmetrical. Whilst some of these are unavoidable, the asymmetrical result can make the individual feel very self-conscious.

The Non-Surgical Possibilities Are Endless!

In the world of cosmetic treatments, there are a number of reasons why individuals enquire about jawline sculpting. The looks that men and women want to achieve vary. Some are looking for more definition and a slimmer jawline while others want to enhance their features and achieve a more sculpted appearance.

With a number of fillers of varying consistencies, it is best to book a consultation with a cosmetic professional to talk through your options and generate a personal treatment plan. Perhaps some dermal injections would be sufficient for the results you want? Or maybe you need a chin augmentation and fat-dissolving injections? Only an experienced, professional cosmetic practitioner will be able to determine the right treatment plan for your goals.

Speak to an Expert Today!

Contour Clinics is home to highly qualified, professional and experienced cosmetic doctors and nurses in NSW. Get in touch today to discuss your goals and perfect your jawline – without surgery!

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