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The Blog Dr Josh Wall Talks Penis Enlargement with ABC & Triple J Hack

The below is an excerpt from the ABC & Triple J Hack website.

While the exact number is up for debate, penis enlargement specialist Dr Josh Wall from Contour Clinics said the average size for an Aussie dude is around 15cm erect.

Dr Josh said we don’t know a lot about why guys develop them, but some studies suggest it could be a symptom of some genetic disorders or an injury when the baby’s still in the womb.

The size of the penis isn’t as important as you think it is but a lot of men, regardless of how they actually measure up, stress about being too small.

What can you do about it?

“We put dermal fillers the same kind that we put in the lips, or the cheek into the penis itself,” Dr Josh said.

“There are two layers of connective tissue that have fat inside them. We put the filler in those layers.”

Dr Josh said that while you may put a ml of filler in the lips, he might put anywhere between 1030mls in the penis.

It involves the use of hyaluronic acid dermal filler (HA), a naturally occurring sugar found in the body and holds a thousand times its weight in water to help maintain moisture in our skin and joints. 

Hyaluronic acid is TGA approved in Australia and is used in millions of safe procedures each year. A single treatment lasts anywhere from 25 years depending on your metabolism. 

Contour Clinic’s Medical Director Dr Josh Wall performs all penis enlargements and uses techniques proven to be effective and safe by over 20 years of research.

Find out more about our Penis Enlargement procedure here.

Contour Clinics & Dr Josh Wall was featured on ABC & Triple J Hack here.

As seen on

Contour Clinics on Ten
Contour Clinics on Cosmechix
Contour Clinics on OK! Mag
ABC Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Contour Clinics on Stay At Home Mum
Contour Clinics on Triple J Hack
Contour Clinics on Costhetics
Contour Clinics on Phalloboards
Contour Clinics on Mums of the Shire

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